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TUMI – The Urban Ministry Institute
Make Theological Training Accessible
Lay Workers
Under Educated
Translate Theological Literature
Support Work of the Missionary Circles
New Church Plants in Villages
Churches Sustained without Pastor
More Qualified and Effective Elders
Improved Theology and Biblical Accuracy
Current Reach
40 Students
Representing 7 Groups
Within 200 km Radius of Dej

Pro Ucraina
Reach Ukrainain Refugees
Material Assistance
Finances, Clothing, Food
Water Wells
Partnership With Romanian Churches
Financial Support
2,000 Bibles
Romanian Churches Involved in Missionary Projects
New Churches Planted
Pastors Able to Remain Serving in Region
Missionaries Trained using TUMI Materials for Ukrainian Seminary
Lives Saved (Physically & Spiritually)

Missionary Circles
Plant Churches
Support Village Church Leaders
Encouragement, Fellowship, Teaching
Call Pastors and Missionaries to Village Service
Address Village Needs
Spiritual Darkness
Departure of Youth – Aging Population
Villages without Pastors
Four Circles Throughout Romania
Dying Churches are being sustained
Church Collaboration Enabling Missions
Missionaries Endure Longer in the Field
Vladeasa Elpis Center
Provide Facilities to Support...
Summer Children’s Camps
Pastoral and Missionary Conferences
Church Retreats
Family and Youth Meetings
Provide Revenue for Mission Activities
Reach Unreached through Christian Events
Improve Relationships with Regional Government and Citizens
Only Christian Facility Available in Nearby Regions
Christian Worker Rest and Encouragement
Children’s Camps are Increasing
Building Relationships with Other Organizations and Volunteers