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The Elpis Foundation

Hope for the Generations

Elpis is the Greek word for "Hope", and the Elpis Foundation works to bring Hope to the generations of people in Romania. We accomplish this mission by providing Social, Spiritual, Practical and Educational services to children, adults, and senior citizens in a manner that glorifies God.

Home: Who We Are

Who We Are

The Elpis Foundation was founded in June, 1999 with 8 volunteers and no financial resources. With spiritual motivation and high beliefs that God is able to do mighty things using little or few things, if we are willing to unselfishly serve our neighbors.


The first project initiated was the Elpis Kindergarten in Dej. A summer day camp program followed the next summer. By 2013, 100 children attended the kindergarten, with a scholarship program for underprivileged children. In 2005, an ethical and moral counseling project was created for high school students. Many other projects are in the works, including daily social assistance programs for senior citizens, house rebuilding in areas afflicted by natural disasters, gifting bags of food to poor families, and reaching out to the men in prisons. In The Vladeasa Center day camps and meetings with pastors and missionaries are held.

Today, we are partners with 10 different organizations in Romania, The United States, Scotland, Ukraine and Holland.


  • Vision: A strong and responsible community involved in supporting its members.

  • Mission: Improving the quality of life of people (children, adults, and elderly) by providing quality services.

  • Values: The assessment of each person without discrimination of any kind, Christian morality, transparency and honesty in what we do, cooperation and team spirit, professionalism.


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(Romania Satellite)

equipping leaders

empowering movements

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Supporting, encouraging and connection mission workers to resources throughout Romania and Romanian communities in surrounding countries.


Social Services

Meeting the needs of those less fortunate

This video was produced by our US partner ICE to highlight many of our ministries.

Home: Programs

Our Partners


International Christian Enterprise, Inc. Keller, Texas USA


Blythswood Care Scotland


Organizatia Crestina "Ecce Homo" Holland


Basic Life Support Holland


The Urban Ministry Institute

New Vision

New Vision Endoscopy San Antonio, Texas USA


Association of Christian Schools International Hungary

Home: Partners
Home: Contact


The Elpis Foundation

Strada Carpați 2-14, Dej 405200, Romania

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Accredited for basic social services by Decision no. 53/30.11.2006 and reaccredited by Decision no. 262/12.12.2012
Accredited for educational field (Elpis Kindergarten) through OMEd. CT no. 2851/17.12.2007

©2022 by The Elpis Foundation

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